


Show more

The First Hours: What Happens to Your Newborn After Birth

Taking Care of Mom

Keeping Baby Safe

Caring for Baby

Choosing a Doctor for Baby

Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome

Infants and Children in the Hospital

Keeping Baby Clean

Zika 101

Swaddling Your Baby

Bathing Your Newborn Baby

Soothe Your Baby

Why is My Baby Crying?

Comforting Your Crying Newborn

Newborn Care: How to Take Your Newborn's Temperature

Caring for Your Newborn

Diapering Your Newborn

Newborn Care: Common Health Concerns

What is rooming-in, and why should you do it?

Circumcision: What You Need to Know

Coronavirus and Babies

Newborn Skin Care

Sun Protection for Newborns and Infants

Treating Newborn Eczema

Diaper Rash and Your Newborn

Jaundice and Your Newborn

Your Baby's Oral Health

Scheduling Well Baby Visits

What Your Newborn Sees and Hears

The skin-to-skin trick to soothe your newborn

Caring for your Preemie

Well-Baby Checkup: Up to 1 Month

Bathing Your Newborn

Umbilical Cord Care

Bowel Movements and Diaper Rash


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Preventing Infant Falls

When to Call the Doctor

Cleaning and Healthy Air


Choking Prevention Skills

Infant CPR

Preventing Abusive Head Trauma

Newborn Care: Car Seat Safety

Newborn Care: Installing Your Car Seat

Mommy Don't Smoke

Shaken Baby Syndrome

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Prevention

Safe Homes: Preventing Furniture Tipping Injuries

Safe Houseplants for Kids and Pets

SIDS: Safe Sleep Techniques for Your Newborn


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Infant Milestones & Care: By 4 Months

Infant Milestones & Care: By 6 Months

Baby development: Your 2 week old

Baby development: Your 3 week old